Rise of the Cosmic_Emperor

Chapter 786 Rude.

Everyone in the hall gave Sassy a look and the looks were easy enough to understand. That look was a reaction to something they considered to be disrespectful.

Sassy knew this and before she even decided to make that greeting, she knew what reaction she was going to get but she did not care and why should she?

Ordinarily, she had no respect for the Dystopian Dragon\'s authority and would show them as much regard as Hal had shown them (next to none) which would set the tone for future interactions.

Her master was rendering a device at a fee that was affordable to the Dystopians and would still have been achieved eventually as they went on their many campaigns la adamant the Haron continent.

The few was the attack on the Silva Duchy.

\'They know what you have to offer. You have no reason to fear them\' Hal had said in her head and that was all the confidence boost Sassy needed.

She had something to offer... A connection to Hal. Even if they were to capture her, a feat they would most likely fall at, it would all still end at Hal. Getting him close.

Dogroth eyed her from his throne but there was nothing to say in regards to her greeting.

,m "Welcome," he told her and Sassy smiled,

"Thank you," she said and then glanced at the various faces in the throne room to specifically land on Reyna\'s young face.

Reyna looked out of place in the throne room filled especially with cultivationally powerful experts. While she made a point of sitting independently and not looking too different from others, she was subconsciously inched towards her sister, Addilyn Gord.

Reyna seemed as though she was trying to fit in but did not get the feel of the throne room mostly because she was at a learning curve.

Reyna was not the only expert her age in the throne room but no one looked as out of place as she did despite obvious attempts to fit in.

Reyna felt Sassy\'s eyes on her and met the Familiar\'s slit green eyes with curiosity while Sassy just smiled at her with a familiarity which confused Reyna who was very sure she had never seen Sassy all her life.

Reyna might have decided to question Sassy right there and then had the stare continued for much longer but the serpent Familiar took her eyes off and returned them to the Dystopian Dragon King.

"We have much to discuss. Strategies to plan and much information to glean" Dogroth said and as he spoke, Nero and all others in the Throne room had deferential expressions and their excitement was clear.

"Indeed we have much to discuss but are we going to discuss it here?" Sassy asked.

"This is where deliberation happens in the Dragon clan" Nero cautioned as he felt Reyna was taking things too far but Sassy just eyed before saying in a polite tone, or as polite as her tone could be despite her words,

"Seriously? There is no area of leisure? I arrived at the Dragon Clan Palace and was welcomed with a battle aimed at my capture and now that you \'respect\' my strength, you wish to bear down continuously on me with your authority.

With all due respect, if my strength is truly respected, this \'meeting\' will be moved to a convenient area of leisure" She said.

"How Dare you?! How dare you demand a location change?" Addilyn Gord said in anger and her aura as a general shone through while a tide of cultivation pressure was emanating from her body.

Dogroth raised a hand,

"Say no more! She is our guest, and we are not so unreasonable a race to not respect a guest.

That said, young lady, you have been a very rude guest" he said with eyes quickly flaming in anger.

Sassy bowed for the first time,

"I apologize for being rude... However, I have to tell you now there will likely be more moments of rudeness to come," she said and her words made it clear that she was not in any way truly apologetic.

Yes, her words upset made everyone in the throne room angry including Dogroth himself but there was something Sassy had that they wished to make use of. Something that they could not possibly get by smiting her on the spot.

Also, this emerald-eyed serpent lady was just attacked by experts of the Dragon clan and was now in the presence of the Dragon king himself, and yet, there was no fear.

She was vocal with her opinions and personality with hardly any worry for what might become of her. Yes, Dogroth and the rest of those in the Throne Room could quickly retaliate but what would that achieve?

The Dragon clan deciding to share the Dystopian Continent with other Tribes/clans had shown that they were the kind that were ready to compromise if only to eventually get what they want.

"Once again, rude.

However, you are right. Such conversations can occur in a separate location. We have already welcomed you with the violent side of the Dragon clan and now, you will be treated to our hospitable side as well. It\'s only fair"

The throne room dispersed after that for reassembly at a hall of merriment where Sassy immediately had many eyes on her. Hostile eyes.

She had stepped on a lot of toes but Sassy could not care less.

This was not because of bravery but because that would be the opinion of the Dragon clan regardless of how she acted on arrival.

Hal had faced the council and said it clearly that they were not worthy to see his face.

His meeting with them had only lasted a minute or two and he secured their hatred and why? To establish from the start that he was doing them a favor and they could not touch him.

Hal knew how to manipulate the conflict among the rulers so that he knew he could spit on the faces of the other three rulers and Elenor the Malignant will remain silent.

In fact, she laughed!

Yes, Elenor would not defend Hal, at least not at the level their relationship was at the moment but Hal did not need her defense.

The four Dystopian Continent rulers were surely stronger than he was at the moment but they would never be in the same location as Hal if he did not allow it.

Elenor might believe she has leverage but she would be very wrong as Hal held all the power in this cooperative relationship between himself and the Dystopian Continent rulers and that was the case whether they liked it or not.

Apart from Elenor, none of the other Dystopian rulers had an idea of what Hal\'s cultivation was and none of them including Elenor knew the tactics Hal and his forces, Sassy included, could employ to turn tail and escape.

Whether they liked it or not or had convinced themselves of false power, they were all pawns dancing to his tune and just the thought of that was a source of eternal joy for Sassy.

Anyway, the hall of merriment had a high-backed chair set specially apart for the Dragon King who eyed Sassy in all her mingling.

The Dystopian Dragon royalty was complete in the hall. No matter how many they were, they were present as long as they were important and powerful enough.

Sassy made a claim that she was to at least relate to them as they were those she would be having meetings and dealings with and that was reasonable enough.

Sassy mingled but so far, no one wish to speak to her. What she had said in the throne room still rang in their minds but Sassy was not bothered.

Not getting approached allowed her to better scope the lay of the land and map out potential targets for the roots to be sown and even while she did this, she had a target... Someone she just had to approach.

"I don\'t believe we\'ve met," Sassy said with a pleasant smile and a very polite tone of voice.

Reyna blinked at Sassy and then responded with a light smile,

"Hi, I\'m Reyna," She said.

"I know," Sassy said. "We have mutual acquaintances. Well actually, you consider them acquaintances but I consider them family"

Reyna furrowed her brows to express her confusion and Sassy decided to elaborate,

"A set of golden eyes? A set of blue eyes?"

That was all that was needed.

In the Monument of Ordinances, Reyna had met two Danes who both possessed Golden eyes but only one of them (the female) had any connection to the blue-eyed fellow she knew.

The blue-eyed bastard whose image hunts her dreams and thoughts to the point where she decided to fill her life with more responsibility.

"You know Hal?"

"Yes I do"

"Really?" Reyna sounded skeptical and Sassy raised a brow and then chuckled,

"What, do you want, proof? I can give you proof but I doubt it\'s needed"

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